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Work scope(s) needed for this project
01 00 00 - General Requirement
01 10 00 - Summary
01 20 00 - Price and Payment Procedures
01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements
01 40 00 - Quality Requirements
01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls
01 60 00 - Product Requirements
01 70 00 - Execution and Closeout Requirements
01 80 00 - Performance Requirements
01 90 00 - Life Cycle Activities
02 00 00 - Existing Conditions
02 10 00 - Unassigned
02 20 00 - Assessment
02 30 00 - Subsurface Investigation
02 40 00 - Demolition and Structure Moving
02 50 00 - Site Remediation
02 60 00 - Contaminated Site Material Removal
02 70 00 - Water Remediation
02 80 00 - Facility Remediation
02 90 00 - Unassigned
03 00 00 - Concrete
03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories
03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing
03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 40 00 - Precast Concrete
03 50 00 - Cast Decks and Underlayment
03 60 00 - Grouting
03 70 00 - Mass Concrete
03 80 00 - Concrete Cutting and Boring
03 90 00 - Unassigned
04 00 00 - Masonry
04 10 00 - Unassigned
04 20 00 - Unit Masonry
04 30 00 - Unassigned
04 40 00 - Stone Assemblies
04 50 00 - Refractory Masonry
04 60 00 - Corrosion-Resistant Masonry
04 70 00 - Manufactured Masonry
04 80 00 - Unassigned
04 90 00 - Unassigned
05 00 00 - Metals
05 10 00 - Structural Metal Framing
05 20 00 - Metal Joists
05 30 00 - Metal Decking
05 40 00 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing
05 50 00 - Metal Fabrications
05 60 00 - Unassigned
05 70 00 - Decorative Metal
05 80 00 - Unassigned
05 90 00 - Unassigned
06 00 00 - Wood, Plastics, Composites
06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry
06 20 00 - Finish Carpentry
06 30 00 - Unassigned
06 40 00 - Architectural Woodwork
06 50 00 - Structural Plastics
06 60 00 - Plastic Fabrications
06 70 00 - Structural Composites
06 80 00 - Composite Fabrications
06 90 00 - Unassigned
07 00 00 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
07 10 00 - Dampproofing and Waterproofing
07 20 00 - Thermal Protection
07 25 00 - Weather Barriers
07 30 00 - Steep Slope Roofing
07 40 00 - Roofing and Siding Panels
07 50 00 - Membrane Roofing
07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal
07 70 00 - Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories
07 80 00 - Fire and Smoke Protection
07 90 00 - Joint Protection
08 00 00 - Openings
08 10 00 - Doors and Frames
08 20 00 - Unassigned
08 30 00 - Specialty Doors and Frames
08 40 00 - Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtain Walls
08 50 00 - Windows
08 60 00 - Roof Windows and Skylights
08 70 00 - Hardware
08 80 00 - Glazing
08 90 00 - Louvers and Vents
09 00 00 - Finishes
09 10 00 - Unassigned
09 20 00 - Plaster and Gypsum Board
09 30 00 - Tiling
09 40 00 - Unassigned
09 50 00 - Ceilings
09 60 00 - Floorings
09 70 00 - Wall Finishes
09 80 00 - Acoustic Treatment
09 90 00 - Painting and Coating
10 00 00 - Specialties
10 10 00 - Information Specialties
10 20 00 - Interior Specialties
10 30 00 - Fireplaces and Stoves
10 40 00 - Safety Specialties
10 50 00 - Storage Specialties
10 60 00 - Unassigned
10 70 00 - Exterior Specialties
10 80 00 - Other Specialties
10 90 00 - Unassigned
11 00 00 - Equipment
11 10 00 - Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment
11 15 00 - Security, Detention, and Banking Equipment
11 20 00 - Commercial Equipment
11 30 00 - Residential Equipment
11 40 00 - Foodservice Equipment
11 50 00 - Educational and Scientific Equipment
11 60 00 - Entertainment Equipment
11 65 00 - Athletic and Recreational Equipment
11 70 00 - Healthcare Equipment
11 80 00 - Collection and Disposal Equipment
11 90 00 - Other Equipment
12 00 00 - Furnishings
12 10 00 - Art
12 20 00 - Window Treatments
12 30 00 - Casework
12 40 00 - Furnishings and Accessories
12 50 00 - Furniture
12 60 00 - Multiple Seating
12 70 00 - Unassigned
12 80 00 - Unassigned
12 90 00 - Other Furnishings
13 00 00 - Special Construction
13 10 00 - Special Facility Components
13 20 00 - Special Purpose Rooms
13 30 00 - Special Structures
13 40 00 - Integrated Construction
13 50 00 - Special Instrumentation
13 60 00 - Unassigned
13 70 00 - Unassigned
13 80 00 - Unassigned
13 90 00 - Unassigned
14 00 00 - Conveying Equipment
14 10 00 - Dumbwaiters
14 20 00 - Elevators
14 30 00 - Escalators and Moving Walks
14 40 00 - Lifts
14 50 00 - Unassigned
14 60 00 - Unassigned
14 70 00 - Turntables
14 80 00 - Scaffolding
14 90 00 - Other Conveying Equipment
21 00 00 - Fire Suppression
21 10 00 - Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems
21 20 00 - Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 30 00 - Fire Pumps
21 40 00 - Fire Suppression Water Storage
21 50 00 - Unassigned
21 60 00 - Unassigned
21 70 00 - Unassigned
21 80 00 - Unassigned
21 90 00 - Unassigned
22 00 00 - Plumbing
22 10 00 - Plumbing Piping
22 20 00 - Unassigned
22 30 00 - Plumbing Equipment
22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures
22 50 00 - Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems
22 60 00 - Gas and Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 70 00 - Unassigned
22 80 00 - Unassigned
22 90 00 - Unassigned
23 00 00 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
23 10 00 - Facility Fuel Systems
23 20 00 - HVAC Piping and Pumps
23 30 00 - HVAC Air Distribution
23 40 00 - HVAC Air Cleaning Devices
23 50 00 - Central Heating Equipment
23 60 00 - Central Cooling Equipment
23 70 00 - Central HVAC Equipment
23 80 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment
23 90 00 - Unassigned
25 00 00 - Integrated Automation
25 10 00 - Integrated Automation Network Equipment
25 20 00 - Unassigned
25 30 00 - Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices
25 40 00 - Unassigned
25 50 00 - Integrated Automation Facility Controls
25 60 00 - Unassigned
25 70 00 - Unassigned
25 80 00 - Unassigned
25 90 00 - Integrated Automation Control Sequences
26 00 00 - Electrical
26 10 00 - Mediu-Voltage Electrical Distribution
26 20 00 - Low-Voltage Electrical Transmission
26 30 00 - Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment
26 40 00 - Electrical and Cathodic Protection
26 50 00 - Lighting
26 60 00 - Unassigned
26 70 00 - Unassigned
26 80 00 - Unassigned
26 90 00 - Unassigned
27 00 00 - Communications
27 10 00 - Structured Cabling
27 20 00 - Data Communications
27 30 00 - Voice Communications
27 40 00 - Audio-Video Communications
27 50 00 - Distributed Communications and Monitoring Systems
27 60 00 - Unassigned
27 70 00 - Unassigned
27 80 00 - Unassigned
27 90 00 - Unassigned
28 00 00 - Electronic Safety and Security
28 10 00 - Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
28 20 00 - Electronic Surveillance
28 30 00 - Electronic Detection and Alarm
28 40 00 - Electronic Monitoring and Control
28 50 00 - Unassigned
28 60 00 - Unassigned
28 70 00 - Unassigned
28 80 00 - Unassigned
28 90 00 - Unassigned
31 00 00 - Earthwork
31 10 00 - Site Clearing
31 20 00 - Earth Moving
31 30 00 - Earthwork Methods
31 40 00 - Shoring and Underpinning
31 50 00 - Excavation Support and Protection
31 60 00 - Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements
31 70 00 - Tunneling and Mining
31 80 00 - Unassigned
31 90 00 - Unassigned
32 00 00 - Exterior Improvements
32 10 00 - Bases, Ballasts, and Paving
32 20 00 - Unassigned
32 30 00 - Site Improvements
32 40 00 - Unassigned
32 50 00 - Unassigned
32 60 00 - Unassigned
32 70 00 - Wetlands
32 80 00 - Irrigation
32 90 00 - Planting
33 00 00 - Utilities
33 10 00 - Water Utilities
33 20 00 - Wells
33 30 00 - Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
33 40 00 - Storm Drainage Utilities
33 50 00 - Fuel Distribution Utilities
33 60 00 - Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
33 70 00 - Electrical Utilities
33 80 00 - Communications Utilities
33 90 00 - Unassigned
34 00 00 - Transportation
34 10 00 - Guideways/Railways
34 20 00 - Traction Power
34 30 00 - Unassigned
34 40 00 - Transportation Signaling and Control Equipment
34 50 00 - Transportation Fare Collection Equipment
34 60 00 - Unassigned
34 70 00 - Transportation Construction and Equipment
34 80 00 - Bridges
34 90 00 - Unassigned
35 00 00 - Waterway and Marine Construction
35 10 00 - Waterway and Marine Signaling and Control Equipment
35 20 00 - Waterway and Marine Construction and Equipment
35 30 00 - Coastal Construction
35 40 00 - Waterway Construction and Equipment
35 50 00 - Marine Construction and Equipment
35 60 00 - Unassigned
35 70 00 - Dam Construction and Equipment
35 80 00 - Unassigned
35 90 00 - Unassigned
Project Type
Date of Project Listing
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(default 60 days)
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01 00 00 - General Requirement
01 10 00 - Summary
01 20 00 - Price and Payment Procedures
01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements
01 40 00 - Quality Requirements
01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls
01 60 00 - Product Requirements
01 70 00 - Execution and Closeout Requirements
01 80 00 - Performance Requirements
01 90 00 - Life Cycle Activities
02 00 00 - Existing Conditions
02 10 00 - Unassigned
02 20 00 - Assessment
02 30 00 - Subsurface Investigation
02 40 00 - Demolition and Structure Moving
02 50 00 - Site Remediation
02 60 00 - Contaminated Site Material Removal
02 70 00 - Water Remediation
02 80 00 - Facility Remediation
02 90 00 - Unassigned
03 00 00 - Concrete
03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories
03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing
03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 40 00 - Precast Concrete
03 50 00 - Cast Decks and Underlayment
03 60 00 - Grouting
03 70 00 - Mass Concrete
03 80 00 - Concrete Cutting and Boring
03 90 00 - Unassigned
04 00 00 - Masonry
04 10 00 - Unassigned
04 20 00 - Unit Masonry
04 30 00 - Unassigned
04 40 00 - Stone Assemblies
04 50 00 - Refractory Masonry
04 60 00 - Corrosion-Resistant Masonry
04 70 00 - Manufactured Masonry
04 80 00 - Unassigned
04 90 00 - Unassigned
05 00 00 - Metals
05 10 00 - Structural Metal Framing
05 20 00 - Metal Joists
05 30 00 - Metal Decking
05 40 00 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing
05 50 00 - Metal Fabrications
05 60 00 - Unassigned
05 70 00 - Decorative Metal
05 80 00 - Unassigned
05 90 00 - Unassigned
06 00 00 - Wood, Plastics, Composites
06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry
06 20 00 - Finish Carpentry
06 30 00 - Unassigned
06 40 00 - Architectural Woodwork
06 50 00 - Structural Plastics
06 60 00 - Plastic Fabrications
06 70 00 - Structural Composites
06 80 00 - Composite Fabrications
06 90 00 - Unassigned
07 00 00 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
07 10 00 - Dampproofing and Waterproofing
07 20 00 - Thermal Protection
07 25 00 - Weather Barriers
07 30 00 - Steep Slope Roofing
07 40 00 - Roofing and Siding Panels
07 50 00 - Membrane Roofing
07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal
07 70 00 - Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories
07 80 00 - Fire and Smoke Protection
07 90 00 - Joint Protection
08 00 00 - Openings
08 10 00 - Doors and Frames
08 20 00 - Unassigned
08 30 00 - Specialty Doors and Frames
08 40 00 - Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtain Walls
08 50 00 - Windows
08 60 00 - Roof Windows and Skylights
08 70 00 - Hardware
08 80 00 - Glazing
08 90 00 - Louvers and Vents
09 00 00 - Finishes
09 10 00 - Unassigned
09 20 00 - Plaster and Gypsum Board
09 30 00 - Tiling
09 40 00 - Unassigned
09 50 00 - Ceilings
09 60 00 - Floorings
09 70 00 - Wall Finishes
09 80 00 - Acoustic Treatment
09 90 00 - Painting and Coating
10 00 00 - Specialties
10 10 00 - Information Specialties
10 20 00 - Interior Specialties
10 30 00 - Fireplaces and Stoves
10 40 00 - Safety Specialties
10 50 00 - Storage Specialties
10 60 00 - Unassigned
10 70 00 - Exterior Specialties
10 80 00 - Other Specialties
10 90 00 - Unassigned
11 00 00 - Equipment
11 10 00 - Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment
11 15 00 - Security, Detention, and Banking Equipment
11 20 00 - Commercial Equipment
11 30 00 - Residential Equipment
11 40 00 - Foodservice Equipment
11 50 00 - Educational and Scientific Equipment
11 60 00 - Entertainment Equipment
11 65 00 - Athletic and Recreational Equipment
11 70 00 - Healthcare Equipment
11 80 00 - Collection and Disposal Equipment
11 90 00 - Other Equipment
12 00 00 - Furnishings
12 10 00 - Art
12 20 00 - Window Treatments
12 30 00 - Casework
12 40 00 - Furnishings and Accessories
12 50 00 - Furniture
12 60 00 - Multiple Seating
12 70 00 - Unassigned
12 80 00 - Unassigned
12 90 00 - Other Furnishings
13 00 00 - Special Construction
13 10 00 - Special Facility Components
13 20 00 - Special Purpose Rooms
13 30 00 - Special Structures
13 40 00 - Integrated Construction
13 50 00 - Special Instrumentation
13 60 00 - Unassigned
13 70 00 - Unassigned
13 80 00 - Unassigned
13 90 00 - Unassigned
14 00 00 - Conveying Equipment
14 10 00 - Dumbwaiters
14 20 00 - Elevators
14 30 00 - Escalators and Moving Walks
14 40 00 - Lifts
14 50 00 - Unassigned
14 60 00 - Unassigned
14 70 00 - Turntables
14 80 00 - Scaffolding
14 90 00 - Other Conveying Equipment
21 00 00 - Fire Suppression
21 10 00 - Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems
21 20 00 - Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 30 00 - Fire Pumps
21 40 00 - Fire Suppression Water Storage
21 50 00 - Unassigned
21 60 00 - Unassigned
21 70 00 - Unassigned
21 80 00 - Unassigned
21 90 00 - Unassigned
22 00 00 - Plumbing
22 10 00 - Plumbing Piping
22 20 00 - Unassigned
22 30 00 - Plumbing Equipment
22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures
22 50 00 - Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems
22 60 00 - Gas and Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 70 00 - Unassigned
22 80 00 - Unassigned
22 90 00 - Unassigned
23 00 00 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
23 10 00 - Facility Fuel Systems
23 20 00 - HVAC Piping and Pumps
23 30 00 - HVAC Air Distribution
23 40 00 - HVAC Air Cleaning Devices
23 50 00 - Central Heating Equipment
23 60 00 - Central Cooling Equipment
23 70 00 - Central HVAC Equipment
23 80 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment
23 90 00 - Unassigned
25 00 00 - Integrated Automation
25 10 00 - Integrated Automation Network Equipment
25 20 00 - Unassigned
25 30 00 - Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices
25 40 00 - Unassigned
25 50 00 - Integrated Automation Facility Controls
25 60 00 - Unassigned
25 70 00 - Unassigned
25 80 00 - Unassigned
25 90 00 - Integrated Automation Control Sequences
26 00 00 - Electrical
26 10 00 - Mediu-Voltage Electrical Distribution
26 20 00 - Low-Voltage Electrical Transmission
26 30 00 - Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment
26 40 00 - Electrical and Cathodic Protection
26 50 00 - Lighting
26 60 00 - Unassigned
26 70 00 - Unassigned
26 80 00 - Unassigned
26 90 00 - Unassigned
27 00 00 - Communications
27 10 00 - Structured Cabling
27 20 00 - Data Communications
27 30 00 - Voice Communications
27 40 00 - Audio-Video Communications
27 50 00 - Distributed Communications and Monitoring Systems
27 60 00 - Unassigned
27 70 00 - Unassigned
27 80 00 - Unassigned
27 90 00 - Unassigned
28 00 00 - Electronic Safety and Security
28 10 00 - Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
28 20 00 - Electronic Surveillance
28 30 00 - Electronic Detection and Alarm
28 40 00 - Electronic Monitoring and Control
28 50 00 - Unassigned
28 60 00 - Unassigned
28 70 00 - Unassigned
28 80 00 - Unassigned
28 90 00 - Unassigned
31 00 00 - Earthwork
31 10 00 - Site Clearing
31 20 00 - Earth Moving
31 30 00 - Earthwork Methods
31 40 00 - Shoring and Underpinning
31 50 00 - Excavation Support and Protection
31 60 00 - Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements
31 70 00 - Tunneling and Mining
31 80 00 - Unassigned
31 90 00 - Unassigned
32 00 00 - Exterior Improvements
32 10 00 - Bases, Ballasts, and Paving
32 20 00 - Unassigned
32 30 00 - Site Improvements
32 40 00 - Unassigned
32 50 00 - Unassigned
32 60 00 - Unassigned
32 70 00 - Wetlands
32 80 00 - Irrigation
32 90 00 - Planting
33 00 00 - Utilities
33 10 00 - Water Utilities
33 20 00 - Wells
33 30 00 - Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
33 40 00 - Storm Drainage Utilities
33 50 00 - Fuel Distribution Utilities
33 60 00 - Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
33 70 00 - Electrical Utilities
33 80 00 - Communications Utilities
33 90 00 - Unassigned
34 00 00 - Transportation
34 10 00 - Guideways/Railways
34 20 00 - Traction Power
34 30 00 - Unassigned
34 40 00 - Transportation Signaling and Control Equipment
34 50 00 - Transportation Fare Collection Equipment
34 60 00 - Unassigned
34 70 00 - Transportation Construction and Equipment
34 80 00 - Bridges
34 90 00 - Unassigned
35 00 00 - Waterway and Marine Construction
35 10 00 - Waterway and Marine Signaling and Control Equipment
35 20 00 - Waterway and Marine Construction and Equipment
35 30 00 - Coastal Construction
35 40 00 - Waterway Construction and Equipment
35 50 00 - Marine Construction and Equipment
35 60 00 - Unassigned
35 70 00 - Dam Construction and Equipment
35 80 00 - Unassigned
35 90 00 - Unassigned
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